Monday, 7 May 2018

Rejuvenation : the musical way

Rejuvenation : the musical way
Youngsters can be seen now a days with their earphones plugged in and shaking their heads. They are grooving to the music. It is the style of the new generation. And the elderly people may find such style to be weird. But if we see it with eyes of research scientists, the things are totally otherwise. Yes, guys. According to researchers, listening to music can rejuvenate our body and this health benefit is not only restricted to youth but elderly also. Listening to music can help in preventing our body from a number of disorders. We can call it music therapy and this won't cost you a penny. It is for Free.

                                  Music is a medicinal pill which everyone would like to take frequently. Music is found to eliminate the emotional and mental stress in the body. The benefits of listening to music are countless : whether increase in concentration, relaxation, increased brain activity, sound sleep, lower blood pressure rates or energizing effect on the body. Modern day lifestyles combined with latest technologies have eased our lives but also introduced us to new illness named, depression. This modern illness can easily be treated with the music therapy instead of taking pills for the same. When we listen to our favourite music whether rap, hip hop, jazz, classical, it uplifts our mood and make us happier relieving us of any depression. Consequently, we can work with greater efficiency.
                                     Scientists are doing a lot of research on the effects of music on our body. Infact, they say that people who like to become singing idols in their showers may actually be doing good considering health benefits especially for the elderly. Singing : thande thande pani se nahana chahiye , GANA aaye ya na aaye Gaana chahiye. Yeah !!! It may save you from chronic conditions like arthritis, breathlessness and many more. Some people don't like sad songs, simply because it can make them feel more sad. But if we go according to experts, in reality, the feeling turns out to be more romantic than being tragic. This is because our body parts react to the musical waves in different ways.  In ancient times also, the Indian Vedas system emphasised utilizing the musical treatments to cure a disease. It treated health equivalent to harmony and disorder equivalent to disharmony. Different sounds of music can affect different parts of body. The Raga or melody can bring inner peace in our body, mind and soul, hence providing good health. These are the benefits of music therapy. But can it cause any harm to our body. Yup !!! It can. Listening to music in a very very loud voice can bring negative effects on our body. So we should listen to our favourite music only at levels that our mind accepts.
               Guys, the pro-music therapy is certainly taking you to a next level. So what are you waiting for. Plug-in your earphones, forget everything and groove it to your favourite music.

Friday, 20 April 2018

SUPER - SMS - a respite for delhiites

SUPER-SMS : A respite for Delhiites !!!
                            Knock , Knock - SMS. Guys, this sound may remind you of a new message alert on your mobiles and hearing the word Super-SMS, your mind may start giving impression of a new mobile messaging technique. But this name Super-SMS has nothing to do with real messaging, indeed. Though not related to real messaging, this special SMS has something in store for the people of Delhi. Surprised !!! Guys, this special message can save the Delhiites from a common but severe problem they face every year - SMOG. Guys, let me not thrill you more and reveal what it is actually. This Super-SMS is a machine named Super-Straw Management System to solve the paddy burning problem in Punjab and other areas. Now, you got it guys. Today I am sharing the problem of paddy burning being carried out in areas of Punjab, Haryana,western UP and Uttarakhand.
                             Delhi is known as : dilwalon ki delhi. But in recent years, this name seems to be changed to : pollution prone delhi. The problem of smog got so worsened in Delhi that Supreme Court has to order a ban on fire crackers at the festival of Diwali last year. Kids were really unhappy with the decision as they wait for this festival throughout the year. And why would they not be unhappy as the main reasons behind this were not tackled. Mr. Sorry (the great Kejriwal) blamed Punjab and Haryana for the pollution caused in Delhi. They in turn blamed each other for the same.
                             Guys, Delhi face internal problems like factories, old diesel vehicles, power plants, dust from construction sites etc. So how only can Punjab be held responsible for the aching lungs of Delhiites. Let me clear this confusion. Farmers in Punjab plant paddy starting from 15th June and the crop matures after about 5 long months mainly in October. And it has to be harvested before next month as 15th November marks beginning of the plantation of the next crop -wheat. For the harvesting of the paddy crop, farmers are using combine harvesters. The combines harvest, thresh and clean the separated grain in just one hour. If done manually, it will take a full day with nearly 10 persons working in the fields costing around 4500 rs. But in case of combines, the cost will be maximum 1500rs. for an acre of paddy crop.
                             As you just noticed, harvesting with combines saves time and money, but in the process it leaves behind loose straw and standing stubble. And it is not at all easy to get rid of this crop residue. If the farmers clear the residue manually, it is time consuming and if they use machines again to clear the stubble, then it will increase their costs. This is specially not feasible for farmers working on small acres of land. So this led farmers to use the free of cost and time saving method for taking care of the crop residue - burning it up. Farmers find burning effective as it provides them enough time for preparing the field for next wheat crop.
field burning
                             In fact guys, wheat might be the main culprit behind this burning process. As i told you earlier, wheat has to be planted starting from 15th November. But paddy is matured late near around 15th October. Some high yielding varieties like PUSA-44 mature even later around 25th October giving farmers hardly 20days to clear off the paddy straw and prepare field for wheat plantation. They are only left with burning it up.  PAU(Punjab Agricultural University) has launched short duration varieties like PR-121(140days) and PR-126(125days). This gives the farmers more time for wheat. But it still does not eliminate the need for burning as it is cost saving.  So is there not any scientific solution to this problem. Of course it has. A machine named TURBO HAPPY SEEDER(THS) can play a very important role in this respect. Infact, a lot of farmers are already using it now. THS is a tractor mounted machine which clears off the standing stubble and also sow the wheat seeds in the soil and cover it with straw to prevent erosion. So it does two works at a time on the same day and eliminate the need of burning the fields and and also plants the wheat crop. But THS also face a problem as it could not clear off the loose straw fully as compared to standing stubble. So  here's where the Super-SMS comes into play. This machine can be attached to any harvesting combiner. It cuts and uniformly spread loose straw on field. So, using THS and Super-SMS can stop the practising of burning the fields and hence, prevent the problem of smog in Delhi.
Turbo happy seeder
                             But still guys, the problem is not yet solved as these machines are too costly for farmers to buy.  As you know, not all farmers are financially sound and they are constantly ending their lives due to the debts they have taken for their lands to work. So how would farmers be able to adopt these costly machines on their farms. Well these machines(THS+SuperSMS+Combine) are costing near around 20 lakhs. And the machine suppliers are giving them on rent which actually makes it feasible for farmers to utilize them. The govt. is also making efforts to provide subsidy to farmers so that this problem can be solved.
                                The NGT(national green tribunal), fined the farmers for carrying out the burning process, but it could not prevent all the farmers from doing the same. Though according to Punjab Pollution Control Board, the reported residue burning cases in fields have decreased from 67,969 in 2016 to 39,686 in 2017, the farmers are yet to fully accept this Super-SMS technique. But i hope when this super message reaches out to all the farmers with proper planning, it will definitely reduce the level of smog and provide the people of Delhi a respite from this problem. The govt. worked out ODD-EVEN system in delhi to stop pollution and that is applaudable. But to breathe freely and put off their masks during morning walks, Delhiites should also come forward and work in cooperation with the govt. Remember, Charity begins at home. The world should know it clear -  delhi is still : dilwalon ki delhi and not pollution prone Delhi.

Tuesday, 6 March 2018

Cappuccino or Americano

Cappuccino or Americano :
You have heard these names so many times. They are part of the growing coffee family and which flavour one likes is a personal choice. I like cappuccino personally. Guys, coffee has become so popular as a drink that people take it during their breakfast+lunch+dinner. And whether you are at home or at work or in college canteens, a cup of coffee will give you a sense of delight. For coffee lovers, a day without coffee seems to be incomplete. Couples dating each other begin their date with a coffee. A cup of cappuccino can make or break your love. In Indian marriages, a stall of coffee can be definitely seen. And I say that why not to take it when it can energise your body. Yes, drinking coffee can reduce stress in the body and keep us awake. It is all due to the caffeine present in it that creates this effect. Coffee is usually served hot but cold coffee is also a popular option. Adding a little milk or cream to it, will give it a delicious flavour !!! At different places, we can enjoy different flavours of coffee. Well all these flavours are part of espresso which is made by forcing boiling water under pressure through coffee beans. You must have tasted some of these flavours but let me tell you in short what they actually contain. There are two types of coffee : Arabica(less Caffeine) and Robusta(bitter+more caffeine). Below I am sharing some of the demanding flavours of coffee :
Americano : espresso with hot water.
Latte : espresso with steamed milk with little foam on top.
Cafe Mocha : latte with chocolate flavour and whipped cream.  
Cappuccino : espresso with thick layer of foamy steamed milk.
Frappe : cold coffee which when shaken creates froth.
Macchiato : latte with more milk, more foam served as layered Coffee.
                                   Now you know about different types of coffees. But have you ever wondered from where this special drink without which your morning seems to be incomplete originated from. The coffee you drink has not dominated our daily meals as it is. It has come a long way to reach this far. Let me give you a little insight into its history. Coffee drink is prepared from coffea plant which has its origins in the East Africa.  From Africa, the coffea plant is believed to have been exported to the rest of the world. First coffee drink can be dated back to 15th century in Yemen(Arabia earlier). In 1670, a famous Sufi saint, Baba Budan from Karnataka liked the coffee very much during his Mecca Yatra. So he smuggled it into India and planted the beans in Chandragiri hills of Mysore later named as Baba Budan Hills. Coffee, earlier considered a Muslim drink and prohibited by Ethiopian christian orthodoxs till 1889 is now the national drink of Ethiopia.
                                Though prohibited earlier, coffee is now seen as good due to its many health benefits. Infact, the world now celebrates International Coffee Day that originated in Japan in 1983 on 29th September. Also, according to a study conducted recently, if you drink 2-4 cups* of coffee per day, you may live longer. Sounds really amazing of course. But wait, don't go beyond that because excess of anything is considered bad. Another interesting fact about coffee is that, to produce coffee beans that can make one cup of coffee, requires nearly 140 litres of water which is a matter of concern regarding water usage. But I hope that problem will be tackled in the near future. Well surprisingly, some hotels in the world are also serving 24-K cappuccino which adds essence of pure gold in this aromatic drink. You want to give it a try. But be ready to lighten your pockets !!!
                                My dear friends, I hope u have enjoyed this cup of cappuccino with me. If you know any interesting related facts, feel free to share it here. And also comment whether you are a Cappuccino or Americano... !!!

Saturday, 17 February 2018

Oldest love poem

Happy Valentine’s day to everyone out there. Love is in the air and it's fragrance is up-to the fullest. So on the eve of this special day, I bring to you the oldest ever love poem in the world. And It is known as : Love song for Shu-Sin . It starts as this : 

          Bridegroom, dear to my heart,
          Goodly is your beauty, honeysweet,
          Lion, dear to my heart,
          Goodly is your beauty, honeysweet.

It was recited by a bride of the Summerian King Shu-Sin who ruled around 4000 years back. The poem was inscribed on a small stone tablet that was uncovered in Iraq in 1880’s and is now placed in Istanbul’s ancient museum. Some archaeologists also called it 'Istanbul # 2461'  which sounds a bit unromantic. But the poem itself is quite romantic and it was more than just a love poem and was used each year to perform a sacred rite known as 'sacred marriage’.
           I dedicate this little tint of sweet history to all people who are celebrating the freedom of love on this beautiful day. Keep enjoying :-)

                            stone                        marriage                            

The Revolution Street

The Revolution : Enghelab
Iran is known for its religious restrictions throughout the world. But guess what, waves of freedom have struck it hard this time. A 31 year old lady named Vida Movahed has become the inspiration for thousands of woman recently protesting in Tehran against the age-old tradition of wearing hijab.In Iran, if a woman does not wear hijab, then it is considered a punishable offense. But Vida Movahed did something considered very daring in Iran. She went to the busy Enghelab street in Tehran, put off her hijab and waved it like a flag for an hour. Afterwards, her videos became viral on Facebook and other woman started following her against this practice. Enghelab is important as it means revolution. Guys do you think women should face such ridicule ? Don’t consider them gift items to be wrapped up, they are also humans. Please let them enjoy equal rights as well. Though Vida Movahed faced jail with her 1.5 year old baby, she ignited the spark of freedom in Iranian women. Women in Iran have come on roads to fight for their rights. And all this have started a heated debate on whether wearing clothes should be a compulsion or a matter of choice. Guys, what do you think about this whole scene. Do you think the same as me or otherwise. Comments are welcomed.

Vida Movahed, raising hijab
 in Enghelab street

Saturday, 10 February 2018

Modernised MENKA : Miss Honey(trap)

MENKA of 21st century : Miss Honey(trap)
Guys, meet the latest victim of honeytrap, IAF group captain Mr.Arun Marwaha. In older times, heavenly apsara Menka attracted the saint Vishvamitra towards her beauty and broke his meditation. But the modern times Menka in form of honeytrap does not even need to come in front of you. Yes it is true. 51-year old Arun Marwaha who earlier talked about pride and nation is now in custody for leaking secret information of Indian Air Force to ISI. He became friends with ISI agents faking to be girls. ISI lured him with chatting on WhatsApp and he fell into the trap easily. Guys do you think this Modernised Menka- Miss Honey(trap) has a solution ? Comments are welcomed.

Wednesday, 10 January 2018

Passion vs. Social Web

                            THE REAL FREEDOM : FOLLOW YOUR DREAMS

Suppose one day you wake up and you realize that you have wings attached to your body. What an awesome feeling it would be. You may feel like flying to the sky freely like a bird. But suddenly you notice that these wings don't move. They are caught in a social web breaking which may hurt your wings. But you want freedom from this web. All want freedom. I want it too. But at the same I don’t want to break this social web as we humans are social animals. If you want the real freedom, then follow your dreams, follow what you like , follow what your passion is. Yes, passion. All of us take higher degrees, some go for medical, some for engineering and others for MBA or similar fields. But why regret afterwards. Why is this confusion? Perhaps they were not guided to follow their passions, their dreams instead go according to the society which again leads us to the social web I talked about earlier. In such a situation, one may feel like a bird caught in a cage craving to be set free. But this situation has a solution. Just follow your dreams. It may sound simple but is not easy to achieve. My passion is writing. It makes me express myself a lot easy. I know everyone of us have their own priorities in life. But guys remember one thing, life is short. Try to get time to realize your passions no matter how hectic your life is. The end result is as sweet as sugar. And the bird craving for the real freedom inside you is set free.