Wednesday, 10 January 2018

Passion vs. Social Web

                            THE REAL FREEDOM : FOLLOW YOUR DREAMS

Suppose one day you wake up and you realize that you have wings attached to your body. What an awesome feeling it would be. You may feel like flying to the sky freely like a bird. But suddenly you notice that these wings don't move. They are caught in a social web breaking which may hurt your wings. But you want freedom from this web. All want freedom. I want it too. But at the same I don’t want to break this social web as we humans are social animals. If you want the real freedom, then follow your dreams, follow what you like , follow what your passion is. Yes, passion. All of us take higher degrees, some go for medical, some for engineering and others for MBA or similar fields. But why regret afterwards. Why is this confusion? Perhaps they were not guided to follow their passions, their dreams instead go according to the society which again leads us to the social web I talked about earlier. In such a situation, one may feel like a bird caught in a cage craving to be set free. But this situation has a solution. Just follow your dreams. It may sound simple but is not easy to achieve. My passion is writing. It makes me express myself a lot easy. I know everyone of us have their own priorities in life. But guys remember one thing, life is short. Try to get time to realize your passions no matter how hectic your life is. The end result is as sweet as sugar. And the bird craving for the real freedom inside you is set free.