Saturday, 17 February 2018

Oldest love poem

Happy Valentine’s day to everyone out there. Love is in the air and it's fragrance is up-to the fullest. So on the eve of this special day, I bring to you the oldest ever love poem in the world. And It is known as : Love song for Shu-Sin . It starts as this : 

          Bridegroom, dear to my heart,
          Goodly is your beauty, honeysweet,
          Lion, dear to my heart,
          Goodly is your beauty, honeysweet.

It was recited by a bride of the Summerian King Shu-Sin who ruled around 4000 years back. The poem was inscribed on a small stone tablet that was uncovered in Iraq in 1880’s and is now placed in Istanbul’s ancient museum. Some archaeologists also called it 'Istanbul # 2461'  which sounds a bit unromantic. But the poem itself is quite romantic and it was more than just a love poem and was used each year to perform a sacred rite known as 'sacred marriage’.
           I dedicate this little tint of sweet history to all people who are celebrating the freedom of love on this beautiful day. Keep enjoying :-)

                            stone                        marriage                            

The Revolution Street

The Revolution : Enghelab
Iran is known for its religious restrictions throughout the world. But guess what, waves of freedom have struck it hard this time. A 31 year old lady named Vida Movahed has become the inspiration for thousands of woman recently protesting in Tehran against the age-old tradition of wearing hijab.In Iran, if a woman does not wear hijab, then it is considered a punishable offense. But Vida Movahed did something considered very daring in Iran. She went to the busy Enghelab street in Tehran, put off her hijab and waved it like a flag for an hour. Afterwards, her videos became viral on Facebook and other woman started following her against this practice. Enghelab is important as it means revolution. Guys do you think women should face such ridicule ? Don’t consider them gift items to be wrapped up, they are also humans. Please let them enjoy equal rights as well. Though Vida Movahed faced jail with her 1.5 year old baby, she ignited the spark of freedom in Iranian women. Women in Iran have come on roads to fight for their rights. And all this have started a heated debate on whether wearing clothes should be a compulsion or a matter of choice. Guys, what do you think about this whole scene. Do you think the same as me or otherwise. Comments are welcomed.

Vida Movahed, raising hijab
 in Enghelab street

Saturday, 10 February 2018

Modernised MENKA : Miss Honey(trap)

MENKA of 21st century : Miss Honey(trap)
Guys, meet the latest victim of honeytrap, IAF group captain Mr.Arun Marwaha. In older times, heavenly apsara Menka attracted the saint Vishvamitra towards her beauty and broke his meditation. But the modern times Menka in form of honeytrap does not even need to come in front of you. Yes it is true. 51-year old Arun Marwaha who earlier talked about pride and nation is now in custody for leaking secret information of Indian Air Force to ISI. He became friends with ISI agents faking to be girls. ISI lured him with chatting on WhatsApp and he fell into the trap easily. Guys do you think this Modernised Menka- Miss Honey(trap) has a solution ? Comments are welcomed.